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A Closer Look

Perspective and focus, that is where we must begin

Welcome, and thank you for taking a look at my photographic art. My name is Marcus Murphy I'd like to introduce you to the Northwoods through my perspective. I'm incredibly excited to invite you to come along on this journey. Feel the adventure, explore, consider, and enjoy. 

Adopted into a family living in the city and away from nature, I always had a desire for the outdoors. A deep appreciation and fascination for the natural world that many of us feel have driven me back to it. My wife, three children and I have moved to the Northwoods of North Central United States. We work at a camp that serves youth and families from all across the region with a longing to see growth within the family unit. I use these photographs to allow others to better understand life up here, as well as using the proceeds to support what we do and who we serve. 


I deeply believe that there is a great need in today's busy and distracting world to take a moment and regain an affection for the simpler aspects of life. The silent depths of natures beauty. I desire for my work of simply capturing this stunning beauty that surrounds us to evoke thought and emotion as best I can. To express myself and to share a piece of what I have as we all do in some way, shape or form. This is an immense aspect of humanity, connecting to the senses of others in order to better understand the greater meaning this side of life. 

My call is to community. My medium is through my lens. Thank you!



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